Warwickshire spa offers Made for Life Touch Therapies

Launching in partnership with Made for Life, Touch Therapy treatments aim to allow the mind to disconnect from daily stress and anxiety through gentle movement to bring the body into a parasympathetic state. Similar to meditation, the effect naturally lowers cortisol and adrenaline levels while relieving tight muscles and soothing nerves.
The new Touch Therapy Treatments available at The Spa at Ardencote include Touch Therapy Hand On Hand On Heart, Catch The Breath Soothing Back & Scalp Treatment and the Soothe & Nurture Facial.
Two of the spa's Senior Therapists, Peter Price and Beverley Morgan (pictured), have completed training with Made for Life ensuring they have the knowledge and practical skills to treat clients living with cancer or other conditions.
The Spa at Ardencote
Made For Life
01326 221 777