Shape up with contouring & inch loss treatments

With clients keen to tone up and slim down ready for summer or special occasions and celebrations, now is the time to offer them the latest in inch loss and cellulite busting treatments in the comfort of your salon or spa.
We round up some solutions for you, from relaxing wraps, compression therapies and the latest electro current and Radio Frequency technologies…
Bioslimming Active Wrap

For clients looking to lose inches and tone up quickly this summer, the
Bioslimming Active Wrap offers a versatile treatment which helps reduces the body contour up to 1.5 inches in just 40 minutes.
The wrap burns fat through lipolysis, reducing inches, eliminates toxins, stimulating the lymphatic system, and addresses unsightly cellulite and stretch marks.
The body is wrapped in a paraben-free formulation of plant extracts, caffeine, essential oils and algae extracts which stimulates the draw of fluids into the capillaries, absorbing fatty acids which are extracted via the lymphatic system.
The Body Ballancer®

The Body Ballancer® is a compression therapy system which provides results in the battle against cellulite and loss of skin tone, with regular treatments promoting a healthy lymphatic system, essential in the elimination of the waste and toxins that result from the body's natural metabolic process.
A course of treatments will help to reduce the appearance of cellulite, as well as slimming, firming, toning and smoothing the skin and reducing volume in the abdomen, upper arms, buttocks and legs. Circulation is boosted and oxygenated blood helps to effectively break down the build-up and appearance of cellulite.
Heaven Lipolis7

The non-invasive procedure passes electrical currents into the body which stimulate nerves and muscles, promoting lymphatic drainage. Technology includes Monopolar Radio Frequency, Tripolar Radio Frequency, and Maniglia Vacuum, a hollow handle massage which rhythmically imitates human hands.
As a result, skin is tightened, fat cells targeted, and the appearance of cellulite reduced. The treatment is pain-free and requires no downtime, with no side effects or skin bruising.
Lipofirm™ Pro

The Lipofirm™ Pro incorporates Trilipo with Dynamic Muscle Activation (DMA) technology for inch loss, body contouring, cellulite improvement, and face and body tightening treatments.
Using one applicator, TriLipo Radio Frequency (RF) and DMA work synergistically to deliver non-invasive targeted fat removal, long-term circumferential decrease and lymphatic drainage, as well as skin tightening, lifting and toning.
The electro-heating of the skin generated through RF stimulates metabolism in the subcutaneous fat layer and collagen remodelling in the dermal layer. In the subcutaneous fat layer, the thermal effect accelerates the natural fat metabolism process and the release of liquid fat from the fat cells into the extra-cellular matrix. Fat cells are drained from the body through DMA technology, where pulses cause the muscles to contract, pushing fast cells to the surface.
Pollogen Lipofirm MED

A minimally invasive technology, VoluDerm HE uses fine micro-needles which apply RF andnon-thermal electrical energy to gently ablate the epidermal layer and volumise the dermal layer. This stimulates the body to naturally produce Hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin.
As with the Lipofirm Pro, TriLipo RF and TriLipo DMA deliver focussed fat and cellulite reduction, body contouring, lifting and firming, and a reduction in the appearance of stretch marks.
Roll Shaper

Maxine Booth, who runs a Rolling Studio in Enfield with Roll Shaper 600 devices, says:
“Our clients have 100% results once sticking to the program suggested. In eight to ten sessions in one month, every client will know they have lost inches as clothes will fit better, [and they will be] feeling more energised.”