Phorest reveal product updates & brand-new features

No stranger to innovation, Phorest continuously looks at ways to tackle the challenges business owners face and find new ways to make the day-to-day management of the salon easier. By working closely with customers on a daily basis, the Phorest team is always listening and learning to ensure that they deliver solutions that matter to real hair and beauty professionals. The Summer Collection 2023 does just that and more.
Overview of new product features in the Phorest Summer Collection - now available in the UK and Ireland:
- Phorest Ads Manager
- PhorestGo 2.0
- Expert Recommendations
- Premium Consultations Add-On
- Before & After Photos
- Face Mapping & Mark-Up
- Phorest Reports
The updated Phorest Reports equip salons to stay on top of trends and metrics, allowing them to make key decisions. This includes insights into the client's lifetime value in the new Client Dashboard or taking a closer look at your client retention rate in the Retention Dashboard, enabling you to make important targeted decisions for your upcoming marketing campaigns.
Selling retail has never been easier with the brand new Expert Recommendations feature, which gives staff members the ability to send a recommended product link directly to the client, saving time, increasing retail revenue and improving salon-client communication.
PhorestGo 2.0 is the much-loved PhorestGo app new and improved based on customer feedback. Rowena Yeager, owner of Studio Wish Salon noted that she “Love(s) the new updates! It's so awesome to see the things we ask for happening.”
Premium Consultations will enhance the consultation experience with the Before & After photos, Facemapping and Mark-Up functionality, giving service providers tools to illustrate and visually communicate treatments and results–a must-have for businesses who perform aesthetic treatments.
Meet your new Advertising Manager
With a whole range of new and improved features, there is one feature in the Summer Collection that pushes innovation to a new level. The Phorest Ads Manager is an industry-first that allows salons and spas to run social media ads via Facebook and/or Instagram, all from the comfort of their Phorest system.

Patrick Monaghan, Chief Product Officer at
Phorest, commented:
“I am delighted to announce the launch of our Summer Collection 2023! We've been working closely with our customers to understand what problems they face so Phorest can make their days more seamless and we believe the Summer Collection 2023 has some incredible solutions.
“Our team has created features that will help salon owners tackle their day-to-day challenges, make informed decisions using data and reporting, increase revenue sales to name a few. We are especially excited about the new Phorest Ads Manager that allows you to place ads through Instagram and Facebook directly from your salon software. We recognize how important social media is to businesses, and we believe that this new feature will be a gamechanger for the industry.”
Phorest Salon Software