British natural hair care brand CELF launches

CELF natural haircare brand has launched, delivering organic and vegan products to nourish аnd restore hair's balance.
The London-based brand features at-home hair care formulated with natural ingredients including Macadamia, Olive, Avocado, Glaxseed and organic Argan Oil.

“My love for hair began in childhood, as I crafted healthy grooming rituals for my hair. It was and still is traditional for myself and other Jamaican females to make time for our hair.
“I can recall clearly with a smile, seeing myself on the weekends in Jamaica meeting up with friends or families just to ‘comb through', ‘twist', or plait each other's hair. It does not matter whether уоu hаvе straight, wavey, curly or kinky hair, taking care [of] your hair is important.”
“After working in a hair salon for over 10 years and still having an intimate love affair with hair (shall I say thanks to my childhood!). My wealth оf knоwlеdgе besides my hands-on experience allowed me to tap into the world of haircare and haircare products at CELF for everyone to experience.”
Hero products in the CELF range, suitable for all hair types, include Supreme Hydrator Hair Mask, Nature Restore Shampoo, and Nature Restore Conditioner.