Monat supports Blind Veteran UK charity

The company donated 100% of every sale from the limited-edition sets to veteran and first responder non-profit organisations in the UK, Ireland, the United States, Canada and Poland.
Monat's Grateful Every Day Set included the More than a Mist fragrant hair and body spray along with a special Gratitude bracelet. In total, $255,474 was raised through the sale of the set, as part of Monat Global's Monat Gratitude initiative which focuses its giving efforts in three impact areas: families, children and education.
Cheques were presented to seven different organisations, including Irish Veterans, virtually via Instagram and Facebook.
Commenting on the fundraising and donations,
Monat Global's Chief Culture Officer, Lu Urdaneta, says:
“Gratitude is what guides each decision we make at Monat. The set is about more than self-care, it spreads the MONATitude of Gratitude to all the brave men and women who sacrifice everything to serve their countries and communities. By supporting our first responders and veterans, we are lifting the spirits of them and their families.”
Blind Veterans UK helps ex-Service men and women rebuild their lives after sight loss providing rehabilitation, emotional support, training and practical advice.