Website offers platform for niche beauty brands

A new website is offering manufacturers of independent
beauty brands the opportunity to retail products to health conscious consumers. launches this month and has been
specifically created to offer a sales platform for niche and start-up brands in
the natural and organic sectors. It offers support to retailers, who get their
own admin portal so they can create their own online store, in the form of
marketing and social media.
The site has been developed by Jaspal Singh Nijjar and Dan
Duggan. Jaspal comments:
“Small, niche brands have difficulty getting their products
in front of a large target audience and we are looking forward to helping them
overcome that challenge.
“We want to work closely with these brands, build a
relationship with them, and give them a platform that will work for them and
their products. It can be extremely difficult for start-ups who have little to
no budget, which is why the site has no set-up fees and offers ‘no sale, no
fee' terms, while those that sell through the site will see lower fees than a
more well-known ecommerce site.”
Future planned developments for the website include the launch of a mobile and fulfilment service.