Join Dermalogica's online event for World Mental Health Day

Open to all, the ‘Mindful Conversations' panel discussion is being hosted by Dermalogica in collaboration with the charities Shear Haven, Mind and Massage4MentalHealth. It aims to explore experiences, skills and strategies that can be used to develop better mental health and how to use empathy and awareness when dealing with clients.
The event will be chaired by Dermalogica Education Manager Candice Gardner (pictured), who will be in conversation with Shear Haven co-founder Susanne Shepherd Post and charity ambassador and salon business expert Liz McKeown, Deborah King, Manager of Mind in Haringey and Hayley Snishko, Founder of Massage 4 Mental Health.
Commenting on the event, Candice Gardner says:
“I am looking forward to discussing anxiety and how we can develop our communication, empathy and intention when working with clients. How we recognise and respond to anxiety can play a significant role in the mental and emotional impact of our interactions and treatment experiences. I can't wait to chat with our fantastic panellists who have different experiences of this topic and will each bring their unique perspective to the discussion.”
The event will take place via Zoom on 10th October 7pm – 8pm BST and
registration is free.