Glitterbels reveal new lamp at DreamFest event

Glitterbels celebrated the launch of their latest product, the Glitterbels DreamCure Lamp, yesterday (23rd June) at their DreamFest event held at the Kimpton Clocktower hotel in Manchester.

Hosted by Glitterbels founders Annabel and Elliott Maginnis, the event attracted more than 400 attendees including Glitterbels nail techs, plus Geordie Shore alumni Charlotte Crosby, Chloe Ferry and Sophie Kasaei. 

Glitterbels founder Annabel Maginnis welcomed Geordie Shore alumni Charlotte Crosby, Chloe Ferry and Sophie Kasaei to the event.
ABT were delighted to support the event, with the team on hand to answer professional nail insurance questions and renew existing members' policies. 

The Glitterbels DreamCure Lamp has been two years in the making and is the first of many electrical tools to be released by the professional nail brand. Combing style and functionality, the lamp features a sensor, low heat mode, air-cooling technology and a spacious design. 
