Glasgow salon goes pink for October
Marking Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the team at Rainbow Room International's Royal Exchange Square salon are going pink for the entire month of October and raising money for Breast Cancer UK.
Clients visiting the Glasgow salon can enjoy a slice of pink in their hair in exchange for a donation to the charity. Using bleach followed by a pink toner during their regular colour appointments, clients can choose the intensity of their pink slice with colour mixed in front of them.
The Rainbow Room International's beauty team are also getting involved, offering clients a choice of pink nail shades to raise awareness for breast cancer.
What's more, the Royal Exchange Square team are wearing pink throughout the month, have decorated the salon with pink balloons, and are providing pink masks for clients to wear during their appointments.

Commenting on their pink-themed activities, David Nicolson, Owner of
Rainbow Room International's Royal Exchange salon, says:
“We're all excited for the month of October and to offer our clients a slice of pink to raise money for Breast Cancer UK and to raise awareness for breast cancer. It's nice to offer something different to our clients and also to raise awareness for a great cause at the same time. All of the team are excited to be involved and it's really raised spirits in the salon for the team, as well as clients.”
Why not let us know how your salon is marketing Breast Cancer Awareness Month – email with details and photos, or tag us @abtinsurance.