Expert advice for party-perfect, glossy hair

Eat well
We all know partying too much during the festive season and not eating properly will affect how your hair looks, but why? Protein deficiency can cause slow growing, fine, dull, brittle hair.
It is essential that women get at least 45 grams of complete protein a day, but only 24 grams of protein can be absorbed in one sitting. Ensure you include some with each meal rather than having one big protein portion in the evening.

Over styling hair with straightening irons during the party season can leave hair a frazzled mess. Can heat protection spray help though? Heat damage from straightening irons is largely caused by pockets of moisture trapped inside the hair shaft, which rapidly turns to steam. The steam can't escape and tiny holes are blown through the cuticle, a condition known as ‘Bubble Hair Syndrome'. Weak areas form in the hair-shaft, leading to breakage and serious split ends.
Unfortunately, the only way to prevent heat damage caused by straightening irons is not to use them, limit their use, use on the lowest heat setting and never ever use them on damp hair.
Stay healthy
Have you ever wondered why your hair grows faster in the summer or when you are on holiday? The vitamin D you produce in your skin during sun exposure plays a part in keep hair at optimum health. Nutritional deficiencies such as low iron, low B12 and vitamin D can not only slow down hair growth, they can also cause hair thinning too.
Don't spend a fortune on expensive hair and nail supplements, as they will only help your hair health if you are replacing a nutrient you are lacking in. Instead, buy an individual vitamin that you are deficient in.

Cold, dry air can cause the hair cuticle layer to lift, then going into a warm centrally heated environment takes all the moisture out of the hair, leaving it dry, frizzy and tricky to manage.
Intensive conditioning masks used once a week will help reduce the problem to a degree but it will not mend or give strength to hair that is already disintegrating. The only solution is to cut the damaged portion off. Trim ends at least every three months to keep hair in good condition.
Hair maintenance
Maintaining hair health has just got easier. You can now have Laser Phototherapy at home with Theradome LH80 Laser Helmet, the latest hair growth gadget that has 80 custom-made lasers to flood the scalp, similar to a clinical laser therapy machine. Each use, you just put it on your head every other day for 20 minutes. Laser Phototherapy stimulates blood circulation, nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicles and helps to produce stronger, healthier, faster growing hair.”
Sally-Ann Tarver MIT.FTTS is a Trichologist based at The Cotswold Trichology Centre and has over 20-years' experience in diagnosis and treatment of hair loss and scalp problems.