Eve Taylor reveal ultrasonic skincare device

Eve Taylor (London) has introduced a new electrical device to assist Eve Taylor therapists in delivering more effective facial treatments.
The Ultrasonic Micro-therapy Device supercharges professional-use Eve Taylor products and boosts treatment room results.
The device offers Exfoliate, Clarify and Ionise settings allowing a versatile selection of treatments to be performed across a wide selection of skin types and conditions.
Key is the device's use of ultrasonic technology, which emits vibrations and longitudinal soundwaves from a stainless-steel blade. Ultrasonic vibration penetrates the skin's epidermis, oscillating corneocyte cells and dislodging them so they can be easily removed, and impacted follicle plugs and excessive sebum loosened, offering gentle but effective exfoliation of the skin.
The Eve Taylor Ultrasonic Micro-therapy Device can also be used to infuse the brand's professional use products. Products penetrate into the skin's epidermal layers thanks to ultrasonic soundwaves, leading to enhanced results than just using the products with manual application alone.