Beauty & hair in Wales reopens today

Today (9th November) marks the end of Wales "fire-break" lockdown period which saw closure of the beauty and hair sector across the country.
Salons, spas, nail bars, barbers and therapy rooms are now able to reopen from today, so long as they follow the guidelines for working in close contact service sectors.
Mobile therapists and hairdressers are also able to recommence work from today and must follow guidance on working in other people's homes along with close contact services requirements.
Spas are allowed to open, but saunas and steam rooms will be closed.
Businesses also need to retain clients' contact information for contact tracing purposes.
Salons were forced to close from Friday 23rd October under a 17-day "fire-break" national lockdown to help slow the rise in Coronavirus cases.
For the latest guidance, including updates on guidelines for working in close contact services, visit