Beauty & hair colleges in England may return from 8th March

ABT has requested confirmation that beauty and hair further education colleges and training providers in England will be able to welcome students back for face-to-face teaching from Monday 8th March.
Having asked for clarification from Government to inform ABT members and accredited training providers, indications from Prime Minister Boris Johnson's statement made to the House of Commons on Monday (22nd February), along with information laid out in the government's COVID-19 Response – Spring 2021 document, suggest that students may return to college at the same time as schools, with the wearing of face coverings suggested.
UK Government's COVID-19 Response – Spring 2021 states:
“Pupils and students in all schools and Further Education settings will return to face-to-face education from 8 March…
“The Government also recommends that the use of face coverings in Higher Education, Further Education and secondary schools is extended for a limited period to all indoor environments - including classrooms - unless 2m social distancing can be maintained.”
Read the COVID-19 Response – Spring 2021 in full here.
We are also awaiting confirmation that students should practice treatments on their fellow students only (not members of the public) until close contact services are able to resume in England from 12th April (date subject to change).
Please not that guidance regarding education refers only to schools and colleges in England. Guidance from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland will be published in due course. If you are unsure, please contact your Local Authority and follow their guidance.
Any updates will be published should ABT receive further confirmation.