Beauty & Hair placed in highest level in Scottish COVID-19 framework

First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, has announced five Protection Levels that she proposes Scotland will go into from 2nd November, ranging from Level 0 with the least restrictions to Level 4, the highest level where all non-essential retail must close.
Close contact services of hairdressing, barbering and beauty therapy in salons are able to operate in Levels 0 to 2 under current guidance, and in Level 3 regions salons will be able to open but may be subject to additional protective measures. Once an area is placed within Level 4, beauty and hair premises will need to close.
Close contact mobile services in clients' homes are able to operate in Levels 0 and 1, but not in Levels 2, 3 and 4.
Nicola Sturgeon also outlined assistance available for businesses forced to close including grants of £2,000 or £3,000 (depending on rateable value), payable every four weeks for the duration protective measures are in place. For businesses operating at lower capacity due to restrictions in their region, hardship grants of £1,400 or £2100 (depending on rateable value) payable every four weeks for the duration measures are in place. This is addition to the revised
Job Support Scheme for employees announced yesterday (22nd October) by UK Chancellor Rishi Sunak.
The Scottish Government is set to vote on the Strategic Framework on Tuesday 27th October, with a view to implementation from 2nd November. Which regions will be placed within with Level has yet to be revealed and will be reviewed on a weekly basis.
Published: 1.30pm 23.10.2020