ABT to issue beauty & hair ‘back to work’ guide

At present (6th May 2020), the government has yet to publish any guidelines or safety information for the hair and beauty industry regarding reopening. Salon owners, therapists, nail techs, hairdressers and barbers looking for accurate and legitimate guidance on preparing their business for reopening should be wary of some ‘back to work' products, guides and courses currently available within the industry, which may provide inaccurate and/or misleading information.
In addition, purchasing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) before the government issues best practice advice could lead to salons stock piling unsuitable products or taking equipment away from front line workers.
ABT's Director, Dave Horton, says:
“Whilst it's important for businesses to prepare ahead of reopening, this must be done in line with the government's guidelines, which we will not have knowledge of until Sunday (10th May), Therefore offering legitimate ‘back to work' Covid-19 related advice ahead of that date is premature.
“Once we have the right information from the government, including planned dates for reopening, social distancing restrictions, and hygiene / safety best practice, we will provide ABT members with accurate information in-line with the government.”
Dave Horton adds:
“To continue to assist our members, ABT remains ‘open for ‘business' working remotely to comply with government restrictions; all industry related news will be sent to members inboxes, available through our websites. The team is also available Monday to Friday via
Messenger, or you can Live Chat us at
www.abtinsurance.co.uk. Please rest assured we are here to support you so please bear with us if your enquiry takes a little longer than usual to respond to under the current circumstances.”
Safety in the salon
Those salon owners keen to make a start on ‘back to work'' plans could consider creating a common sense ‘best practice' guide for the salon, highlighting enhanced hygiene practices which will give clients and staff peace of mind that it's safe for them to be in the salon. Once the government issues its roadmap on the lifting of restrictions, your ‘best practice' guide can be revised with regards to social distancing, hand washing, face protection, salon hygiene and any other government requirements that may come into force.

- Allowing a limited number of clients into the premises in line with social distancing rules. You may wish to keep the salon door locked to prevent clients walking in early.
- Restricting waiting areas, so that everyone can maintain social distancing.
- Explaining to all clients on arrival what the procedure will be to ensure their safety.
- Ensuring all clients wash their hands with soap or sanitiser as soon as they enter the premises.
- Ensuring all staff wash or use hand sanitiser at regular intervals.
- Sanitising all surfaces that clients and staff come into contact with including nail tables, couches/massage tables, chairs and reception tables in addition to door handles and toilet facilities, between every client visit.
- Sanitising all tools between every treatment / appointment.
- Using disposable couch roll at all times, and fresh towels for every client. Do not use covers, throws or blankets shared between different clients.
- Wear a clean / disposable apron for every client.
- Wear a face mask and / or facial visor during treatments especially those such as facials which require closer physical contact.
- Don't allow clients to touch retail products. Sanitise anything that your clients or members of staff may touch including product testers. Ensure only staff dispense a sample of product from a sample bottle.
Once you have compiled a ‘best practice' plan that conforms with government guidelines, publish this on your salon website and via social media so that it's accessible to clients to help alleviate any concerns they may have about visiting your salon.
Using your time during lockdown
ABT are providing members, and non-members, with regularly updated industry news as well as business articles, marketing advice, and training opportunities via industry website
www.BeautyandHairdressing.co.uk. Visit the site now for inspiration and an injection of positivity:
- Retaining your client base whilst your salon is closed
- Top Tips on navigating your way through challenging times
- Spring cleaning your salon business during lockdown
- Listen & Learn! Our favourite Beauty, Hair & Business Podcasts
- How to stay productive at home during the lockdown
- Using your time off for a move online
- How User Generated Content can boost your brand
Online training accredited by ABT
Use the time before you are able to reopen the salon to enhance your skills set and refresh your treatment menu with online training. To support ABT members and UK training providers, ABT is now able to accredit courses for digital delivery via Skype, Facetime, Zoom or similar.
Updated regularly, find the full list of online accredited training providers on the
Training providers interested in having their courses accredited for online delivery can contact
accreditation@abtinsurance.co.uk for more information.
12 months' insurance for the price of 10
To support existing and new members during this challenging time, ABT are offering 12 months' insurance cover for the price of 10 to ensure you have continuous coverage.
“It's important you keep continual cover in place at this moment in time,” explains ABT's Dave Horton. “Continuous coverage refers to having insurance cover without any lapses. It is important as it may have legal ramifications if a claim is made against you or you need to make a claim in regard to your contents and equipment policies.”
ABT insurance covers you whether you work from home, salon or mobile and includes:
- £6 million Professional Liability Insurance
- £6 million Public Liability Insurance
- £6 million Product Liability Insurance
- £6 million Medical Malpractice/Treatment Risk Insurance
Ensure your insurance cover is in place by joining or renewing online at
www.abtinsurance.co.uk using the code
124TEN and the discount will be applied automatically.
Continue to follow government guidelines
Until the government issues its roadmap on lifting current Covid-19 restrictions, ABT is advising members to continue to follow current guidelines in relation to business restrictions, social distancing and hand hygiene, which can be found at
If you have any queries regarding your insurance policy during this time, or want to ensure your insurance policy doesn't lapse ahead of reopening, contact ABT via Live Chat at
www.abtinsurance.co.uk or by