The Manser Building
Thorncroft Drive
KT22 8JB
United Kingdom
Dermalogica understands that everyone's skin is unique as they are. That's why we are the number one choice of skin care professionals and consumers worldwide.
Revolutionising the skin care industry when it emerged into the marketplace in 1986, Dermalogica Founder, Jane Wurwand, developed the products to better support the advanced education curriculum she had created a few years earlier for the International Dermal Institute, which she also founded. Believing that skin therapy students and professionals needed not only the most effective products and treatments in the business, but also the support and training to help them achieve their professional goals. The innovative products were a first of their kind, excluding common irritants including SD alcohol, lanolin, mineral oil, and artificial colours and fragrances.
For over 30 years, our commitment to this vision has been unwavering and we've been dedicated to delivering real skin results through education, innovation and professional recommendation, not through sparkly packaging, promises of miracle cures, or overblown hype. With potent professional-use-only formulas and revolutionary retail products that zero in on your clients' skin concerns, our products combine the best of scientific innovation with powerful natural ingredients so that everyone can experience healthy glowing skin, for life.
Today, Dermalogica is sold in more than 80 countries worldwide and we are proud to be recognised cruelty-free by PETA (people for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) and Leaping Bunny certified as well as the RSPO (Roundtable of Sustainable Palm Oil) for sourcing palm oil in a manner that does not negatively impact local wildlife.