UPDATED: ABT issue revised Reopening with Confidence COVID-19 Guide

ABT have published an updated version of their Reopening with Confidence COVID-19 Guide compiled using government guidelines and information from key industry figures and brands, available to download for free online.

The document has been compiled using government guidelines and information from key industry figures and brands. The downloadable guide has been issued initially direct to ABT members, whilst non-members can download the document online free of charge. 

Commenting on the launch of the Reopening with Confidence COVID-19 Guide, ABT's director, Dave Horton, said:

“ABT have felt the need to wait for government announcements to best guide our members on the most up-to-date information to provide confidence and safety for both yourself, clients and staff. We have been cautious not to mislead members with inaccurate or incomplete guidance which does not comply with government guidelines and could lead to serious implications for the health and safety of business owners, staff and clients as well as unnecessary products being bought that might not meet government guidelines as well as limiting much needed resources of equipment for front line workers."

ABT Members can also access a dedicated COVID-19 web page, and can also gain further information via ABT's social media platforms.